Thursday, October 14, 2010


All right. I just watched 'Julie & Julia' and while I would like to think that the glow of my computer casts an artistic patina over as I blog about my exploits, I'm sure that is just movie magic. Here I sit in my dining room on a Thursday night, having consumed a bowl of popcorn and wondering how it is that I have a Thursday night to do such a thing.

Well, the show closed, that's how. (It's Charlotte, by the way). And now I have time on my hands. And predictably, it was easy to get through Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - possibly because the ability to have time after work was rather a novelty. And now that has worn off and I wonder why I am not backstage, overhearing the comings and goings of the characters of Malfi or steeling myself for the hangman's noose and hoping my shirt doesn't rip any more than it already is.

Ah - the ethereal nature of the theatre. It's so tangible while it's here - the space comes alive, even when the audience has yet to enter it. Once we completed load-out on Monday, the space looked a little more naked, just waiting for something else....

In other news, Dan encouraged that I write about the other side of all this. There were some low points. I am happy to report that none were internal or caused by any of us - it was rather the outside world that conspired against the fragile world we had created...

I'm talking about noise. We had to compete with it - most memorably, an event outside our very windows the one night my parents had flown thousands of miles to attend the show.

I wish I could say this was an isolated thing but my experience here in Philly is that no theatre is safe. You can often hear sirens, trains, motorcycles, hollers, screams and yes....the eponymous DJ. It doesn't matter if it's the Adrienne or the Wilma - noise is everywhere in our city of Brotherly Decibels....

All in all, though, we pulled through. And now what? Dan and Krista are very busy with rehearsals and shows for both the Wilma and InterAct. Damon is teaching and gearing up for a show with the Walnut...and me? I'm waiting. Waiting to hear about some stuff. I wish it was more glamorous than that but I'm afraid not.

I have a list a mile long of all things I SHOULD be doing but as always happens when a show closes that you dearly love, a sort of malaise sets in and I find myself utterly unable to complete a task. It will pass, I know that.

And meanwhile, the PAC plots. We are planning all goodly things and though we are taking a small rest, it is indeed only that, small.

I hope to post more when I have some productive things to say. Let me end by saying that I hope Webster would be proud. The world we had won't soon be forgotten, as elusive as it was....

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