Sunday, September 5, 2010

First week wrap-up

My, oh my. Charlotte here.

We got through our first week. And actually, the words 'got through' imply that it was a slog or difficult in some way. Quite the contrary. It was pretty amazing. We have blocked/worked through a large chunk of the show and are even sewing in the seeds of all the interesting layers that we have yet to find...

And here's the interesting part, the energy never lagged. Sometimes, I've been in a rehearsal process where you can tell the energy is dipping...not here. Aside from one night when I was just zonked by the end (but in a good way ya?), we kept up a terrific pace. Everyone was so willing to jump right in and go there....

And when Martin's group of artists came into the room to observe us, it really became real. What are they seeing? What do they think? How does what we do translate into art in their hands? Can't wait to see what happens....

Administratively, we are also on a fast and furious clip. After getting our swag in the mail, we are spreading the word on every conceivable surface...I think Damon tried every piece of metal at the Fringe Bar to affix the 'Life is A Dream' magnet. The most successful spot? Bathroom stall. Because we are that classy. Hey, everyone needs to read the oddest of places. But press releases, meetings, emails, licking envelopes and lists, lists, lists abound.

Speaking of 'Dream' it goes into rehearsals tonight....the PAC officially launches a two-sided offensive...I believe in military terms it might be termed a panzer....or not, I just thought it sounded cool.

Ok. This gal has to learn some lines. My revelation this week? The more I dive into this world, the more I love this gal. The Duchess is so much more than just a classical character hidden in some dusty book.....

Be well.

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